Archive for the ‘2017 setup’ Category

Another night of progress!

Friday, November 10th, 2017

Driveway arches, mega tree pole and the Merry Christmas sign are up.  Early start tomorrow as we finish up the star and fully go into set up mode.  We will post updates as time permits.  Thank you for following us. 

New Bethlehem Star

Thursday, November 9th, 2017

We were assembling the new star last night. Bethlehem Star v3.0 Sometimes we feel like MacGyver making things. Take a look at a a sample of it. When all else fails with spacing and keeping the lights straight use a wine cork and some zip ties!! Tonight I will finish up with the star and […]

Set Up for 2017 Begins This Week!

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017

Set up begins this Friday (weather permitting) on the roof where our new star will be making its debut! Saturday and Sunday we will be setting up everything else. Hopefully we will have good weather and set up goes smoothly!! Setting up a display of this magnitude is no small feat. We appreciate the help […]