It’s Beginning to look like a Nightmare Before Christmas

September 20th, 2011

So much to do – so little time.  How is it possible that people start putting together their displays in July?  I’ll tell you – because EVERYTHING takes time!  LOL.  Here’s a laundry list of things that yet need to be completed this year:

1. Finish Website
2. Finish new Bethlehem Star
3. Purchase lights for new arches
4. Finish new arches
5. Build and complete new Santa and Mrs. Claus Cutouts
6. Purchase and assemble new controllers
7. Get electrical work done for new controllers
8. Re-sequence everything to work with new stuff
9.  Work with The Demented Elf ( to re-record some of the 2010 files and change to 2011.
10. Set it all up!

The scariest part of this list?  Two things:  1.  This list is the major steps – there are a multitude of smaller steps for each of these major steps.  2.  It is not what is on the list that scares me – it is what have I forgotten to add to the list???

Web Site is up (sort of)

September 2nd, 2011

Web Site is starting to take shape!  Also have started making new decorations for this year’s show (a huge 5 foot star to sit on the roof, driveway arches and a North Pole cut out).  So much to do, so little time!