Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Two nights left!!

Thursday, January 2nd, 2020

There are just two nights left to see the lights! Our last night for the season is on Friday, January 3rd. Thank you all! The Larson’s – Greg & Jen

And we are up!!

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Lights are on and running!!

No Show December 29th

Sunday, December 29th, 2019

We are sorry to report that we will not be running again this evening. With all of the rain yesterday and earlier today, we were just not able to dry out enough to run today. If we ran this evening, only about 1/2 of our display would be running properly. We appreciate your continued support […]

No Show December 28th

Saturday, December 28th, 2019

Good day, Unfortunately, due to the weather there will be NO SHOW tonight, December 28th. With heavy rain occurring now and rain in the forecast this evening, we wanted to take a moment to remind you about our weather procedures. Unlike most static lights, our display is computer operated and uses software and high voltage […]

New sequence

Friday, December 27th, 2019

We whipped up an addition for the show. It plays at 5pm sharp.